
Differences Between Walking and Running Shoes

Running and walking are excellent activities to promote physical fitness and maintain mobility. But whether you are a runner or a walker, finding the right pair of shoes can be difficult. It can be helpful to review how running and walking shoes may differ and what kind of shoes each type of exercise needs. 

Runners need shoes that have adequate cushioning in the heel and forefoot. This is because while running, the runner’s feet impact the ground with three times their body weight with each step. When considering the heel of the running shoes, note the heel height and whether or not the heel is flared. Runners need a higher heel than walkers in order to provide them with stability. A flared heel can also help with this. Finally, running shoes need to be flexible. Most running shoes are flexible in the arch or midfoot region, but it’s also possible to find running shoes that are flexible in the forefoot. The best running shoes for you will depend on your gait. 

Walkers need shoes that are supportive but do not need the same level of cushioning as runners. The heels of walking shoes don’t need to be as high as those of running shoes, but a flared heel can help walkers with their foot stability as well. Walking shoes also need to be flexible. 

With all of this said, walking shoes may be more difficult to find on the market than running shoes. This begs the question: can you walk in running shoes? The answer is yes. However, you should not run in walking shoes. For more information about this topic, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Cracked Heels

When the skin on the heels is dry, it may begin to crack. These cracks are not just unsightly, they can also be uncomfortable or deep and painful. In some cases, these heel cracks can even bleed, increasing their risk of becoming infected. This can make walking, standing, or even bearing weight on the heels difficult. 

Cracked heels can be caused by a variety of factors. These include prolonged standing, wearing open-back shoes or shoes that don’t cushion the heels, living in a cold or dry climate, taking long, hot showers, and not moisturizing the heels, as well as various medical conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, palmoplantar keratoderma, or juvenile plantar dermatosis. 

The best way to prevent and treat mild cases of cracked heels is to regularly soak the feet, exfoliate the heels with a pumice stone, and then moisturize them. It is also best to avoid wearing open-back or thin-soled and unsupportive shoes. In more severe cases, it is suggested that you seek the care of a chiropodist, who can help you manage your cracked heels and overall foot health. People who have cracked heels and diabetes or a weakened immune system should also be under the care of a chiropodist.


Blisters are fluid-filled bubbles of skin that can appear on any part of the body and are particularly common on the feet. Most foot blisters form due to friction. As you walk, run, or go about your daily activities, your shoes may rub against specific areas of your feet, causing the skin to become damaged. The top layer of skin then separates from the lower layers of skin. The area between the separated layers fills with a fluid called serum, whose purpose is to cushion and protect the raw skin below the blister. 

If you find a friction blister on your foot, it is highly recommended that you do not pop it. Popping the blister drains the fluid inside of it and exposes the raw skin underneath, increasing your risk of infection. Instead, protect the blister by loosely covering it with a bandage. You can also use special padding around the blister to protect it. Typically, friction blisters naturally heal over the course of one to two weeks. Friction blisters can be prevented by wearing well-fitted shoes and moisture-wicking socks. Wearing soft bandages over areas of your foot that tend to blister may also help. 

Sometimes foot blisters can be caused by problems other than friction. Blisters can develop due to a sunburn, frostbite, or exposure to an allergen, as well as from medical conditions such as fungal infections or eczema. If you frequently find blisters on your feet, it is recommended that you consult with a podiatrist. 

Foot Pain

Foot pain is a common symptom of a large variety of injuries and medical conditions. A diagnosis can be narrowed down by describing the locations and type of pain that you are experiencing. 

Pain in the heel is often caused by plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel to the toes. Plantar fasciitis usually causes stabbing heel pains and the pain is at its worst upon arising in the morning or when taking your first steps after a long period of rest. Heel pain can also be caused by heel spurs, bruises on the fat pad of the heel, or heel fractures.

Pain in the ball of the foot can be caused by Morton’s neuroma, in which the tissue of the nerves between the bases of the toes become thickened, causing tingling and numbness. Other causes of pain in the ball of the foot include metatarsalgia or sesamoiditis. 

Pain in the arch of the foot can be caused by plantar fasciitis or having flat feet or fallen arches. Pain in the toes can be caused by many conditions, including gout, bunions, hammertoes, ingrown toenails, toe sprains or fractures, arthritis, and corns. 

To find out what is causing your foot pain, it is recommended that you consult with a chiropodist, who can diagnose your condition and offer the appropriate treatments. 

Choosing the Right Running Shoe

Finding the right shoes to run in can be a headache. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to determine exactly the right type of running shoes for you. This is where your chiropodist can help. In addition to taking into consideration the type of running you will be doing, it’s also very important to buy running shoes that cater to the individual needs of your feet. 

There are many individual foot differences that can have a bearing on which types of running shoes to buy. Your gait, or walking pattern, may require certain specifications to ensure the safest and efficient running possible. A chiropodist can perform a gait analysis to determine your needs. Generally, people’s gaits can be normal, overpronated, or underpronated. Having an overpronated gait means that the foot rolls too far inwards while you walk or run. This can be mitigated by choosing stability running shoes. Having an underpronated gait means that the foot rolls too far outwards while walking or running. This can be helped by choosing shoes with neutral cushioning. 

In general, it’s suggested that you shop for shoes in person in the late afternoon or evening. Shopping in person will allow you to try on and test out the shoes. You would also be able to get assistance from a store associate, who could measure your feet and provide recommendations. Shopping later in the day is suggested because your feet naturally swell throughout the day and are at their largest in the late afternoon and early evening. Your feet also naturally swell while you run. By fitting your feet when they are at their largest, you can ensure that they will fit properly throughout the day. 

For more information about how to find the best running shoes for you, please consult with a chiropodist.

Flat Feet

A flat foot is a foot that has no visible arch in the middle of the sole of the foot while standing. There are two types of flat feet. A flexible flat foot has a visible arch when the foot is not bearing weight, but the arch disappears when the person stands or puts any weight on the foot. A rigid flat foot has no visible arch regardless of whether or not the foot is bearing any weight. Flat feet can also be present from birth or can develop over time, as the ligaments that hold up the arch of the foot weaken. When flat feet are acquired, they are referred to as fallen arches. 

In many cases, flat feet do not cause any pain or other symptoms. This is especially true for those who were born with flat feet. In the instances where flat feet are not asymptomatic, they may cause pain in the heel, arch, ankle, or along the outside of the foot, as well as shin pain, foot aches or fatigue, and lower back, hip, or knee pain. People who have flat feet are also more likely to have an abnormal gait or walking pattern that may affect their daily activities. 

Flat feet can be diagnosed through a physical examination. An imaging study, such as an X-ray, may be used to determine the severity of the condition. Treatments for flat feet include footwear and activity modifications, wearing orthotics, taking medications to relieve pain, and physical therapy. If you have flat feet that are causing you pain or discomfort, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Preventing Running Injuries

Running injuries are a serious cause for concern. Not only are they painful, but they can also become chronic or take a while to fully heal. This makes running even more difficult in the future. To maintain your mobility and keep on running, it’s important to take measures to avoid injury. 

Some of the most common running injuries, such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, occur due to repetitive overuse or overtraining. When running, you should train slowly and gradually. Do not increase the mileage, intensity, or duration of your runs too quickly. Allow yourself time to rest and recover following each run. Avoid running on concrete or other hard surfaces if possible and choose dirt trails or grassy terrains instead. Hard surfaces don’t absorb shock well, putting more strain on your lower limbs. 

It’s also important to wear the right shoes. Choose shoes that fit your feet properly and provide adequate cushioning and support. If you have any biomechanical differences or a dysfunctional gait, consult with a chiropodist to help you find the right running shoes. 

In addition, having strong, flexible feet and ankles helps prevent injury. Do stretching and strengthening exercises daily for maximum benefits and warm-up prior to each run. To learn more about preventing running injuries, or if you have sustained a foot or ankle injury while running, please consult with a chiropodist near you. 


Spring is the season for running, baseball, tennis, and more. After a long winter of staying inside and perhaps staying sedentary, many people begin to increase their physical activity. Unfortunately, a sudden or rapid increase in physical activity can increase the risk of incurring a foot or ankle injury. Common springtime injuries include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, strains, sprains, and fractures. 

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to avoid injuries. When beginning any new exercise routine, it’s important to take things slow. Do not rapidly increase the intensity or duration of your training. Instead, increase one factor at a time, gradually. For example, if you’re a runner, increase the distance that you run gradually over the course of several weeks or months. Take breaks in between workouts to allow yourself time to heal properly. It’’s equally as important to be wearing the right shoes. Choose shoes that are comfortable, fit well, and offer support. 

If you do get injured or begin to notice subtle signs of injury, such as pain during physical activity, seek the care of a chiropodist. While you wait for your appointment, you can also take measures to reduce pain at home by resting the injured foot, applying ice, and compressing and elevating it. A chiropodist will be able to diagnose the injury and find the right treatment for you.

Elderly Foot Care

Like any other part of the body, the feet are vulnerable to wear and tear throughout our lives. As we age, our feet may require more care and attention. Elderly people are especially prone to developing a variety of foot problems, including dry skin, corns, calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails, deformities, arthritis, fungal infections, and plantar warts. Additionally, systemic conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation can have noticeable effects on foot health. 

The first step to preventing foot health problems at any age is to establish a good daily foot care routine. Washing the feet with soap and warm water daily, then drying them thoroughly is very important. Applying a moisturizer to the soles of the feet can help prevent dry skin. When trimming the toenails, use nail clippers to trim them straight across. This can prevent painful ingrown toenails. Doing daily foot exercises and stretches can help maintain the strength and flexibility of the feet. 

A critical step of the daily foot care routine, especially for those who have systemic conditions like diabetes, is the daily foot inspection. Check your feet each day for any cuts, scrapes, sores, or other abnormalities. By catching and treating any foot problems early, you can prevent infection and other serious complications. A hand mirror can be used to help you see any hard-to-reach areas. 

Another important aspect of caring for your feet is wearing the right shoes and socks. Footwear should be comfortable, supportive, flexible, and made of breathable materials. For some people, orthotic inserts can help make shoes more comfortable. 

If you have any foot problems, or questions about maintaining the health of your feet, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Curing Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common foot problem. They occur when areas of skin on your heels become dry and thicken, forming calluses. Over time, these calluses can crack, causing discomfort or pain in the heel. Other symptoms associated with cracked heels include flaky skin, itching, bleeding, redness, inflammation, and foot wounds. Additionally, deep, painful cracks known as fissures can form on the heels. Fissures leave your heels at an increased risk of becoming infected. 

Cracked heels may be caused by standing for prolonged periods of time, walking barefoot or in open-back shoes, wearing poorly fitted shoes, taking lengthy hot showers, using harsh soaps to wash your feet, and living in a climate with cold temperatures or low humidity. Sometimes cracked heels can be caused by an underlying medical condition, such as a vitamin deficiency, fungal infection, or psoriasis. 

Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent cracked heels and to treat them when they occur. You may be able to prevent cracked heels by wearing supportive, well-fitting shoes with a closed back, wearing orthotic devices to pad your heels as you walk, or wearing padded socks. Keeping your feet exfoliated and moisturized is also a key step, in both prevention and treatment. Applying a thick moisturizer on the heels regularly is highly recommended. 

If you have chronic cracked heels, cracked heels that don’t respond to home treatment, or if you are diabetic or have peripheral neuropathy, it is suggested that you see a chiropodist for treatment. 

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