
Everyday Foot Care

Good foot care is proactive, rather than reactive. While a chiropodist can diagnose, treat, and help you manage a variety of foot and ankle conditions, preventing foot problems and keeping the feet healthy is something that you can do at home as well. Having and following an established daily foot care routine can be very beneficial. 

Maintaining good foot hygiene helps prevent a variety of foot problems, including infections like athlete’s foot and fungal toenails. It is important to wash your feet every day using lukewarm water and mild soap. Wash the entire foot, from heel to toe. Then dry the foot thoroughly, taking extra care to dry in between the toes. Moisturizing the heels and soles of the feet after washing them can help keep the skin soft, hydrated, and free of cracks. 

Stretching and strengthening the feet can maintain or improve their mobility. There are many easy foot exercises that you can do to keep your feet strong and flexible, such as toe scrunches and heel raises. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help keep your weight under control, relieving excess pressure and strain on the feet. 

Finally, wearing the right shoes is one of the easiest ways to care for the feet. Many people wear shoes that are too tight or narrow, shoes that don’t support the feet adequately, and shoes that are made of materials that trap moisture on the foot. Opt for comfortable, properly-fitted shoes that support and protect your feet. 

For more information about daily foot care practices for good foot health, please consult with a chiropodist.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows into the surrounding skin rather than over it. This can affect any toe, but most often happens on the big toe. Signs of an ingrown toenail include the surrounding skin becoming tender, painful, swollen, red, and warm. In some cases, the area can become infected, and white or yellow pus may drain from the area. If an ingrown toenail is showing signs of infection, it is recommended that you seek medical treatment. 

Ingrown toenails are usually caused by wearing poorly fitting shoes or trimming the toenails improperly. Shoes that are too tight and have narrow, pointed toes or high heels can compress the toes and cause the toenails to curl and grow into the skin. Trimming your nails into a rounded shape or cutting them too short can cause the edges of the nail to grow into the skin. Other potential causes for ingrown toenails include sustaining an injury near the toenail, having a fungal nail infection, using certain prescription medications, and having an abnormal nail shape. Some people also have a genetic predisposition to developing ingrown toenails. 

Preventing ingrown toenails begins with proper trimming. Trim your nails regularly using nail clippers rather than nail scissors. Nail clippers cut the nail straight across, avoiding the rounded edges that can make ingrown toenails likely to develop. Make sure that while trimming the nails that you do not cut them too short. Wear comfortable shoes with low heels and a wide toe area to keep your toes from squishing together. 

For more information about ingrown toenails, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Flat Feet

A flat foot is a foot that has no visible arch in the middle of the sole of the foot while standing. There are two types of flat feet. A flexible flat foot has a visible arch when the foot is not bearing weight, but the arch disappears when the person stands or puts any weight on the foot. A rigid flat foot has no visible arch regardless of whether or not the foot is bearing any weight. Flat feet can also be present from birth or can develop over time, as the ligaments that hold up the arch of the foot weaken. When flat feet are acquired, they are referred to as fallen arches. 

In many cases, flat feet do not cause any pain or other symptoms. This is especially true for those who were born with flat feet. In the instances where flat feet are not asymptomatic, they may cause pain in the heel, arch, ankle, or along the outside of the foot, as well as shin pain, foot aches or fatigue, and lower back, hip, or knee pain. People who have flat feet are also more likely to have an abnormal gait or walking pattern that may affect their daily activities. 

Flat feet can be diagnosed through a physical examination. An imaging study, such as an X-ray, may be used to determine the severity of the condition. Treatments for flat feet include footwear and activity modifications, wearing orthotics, taking medications to relieve pain, and physical therapy. If you have flat feet that are causing you pain or discomfort, please consult with a chiropodist. 


A chiropodist is a highly trained healthcare professional that provides the assessment, treatment, and management of chronic or acute foot and ankle problems. They aid in the prevention of injuries and disabilities and promote proper foot health for overall well-being. With foot problems being as prevalent as they are, the fact that the feet are the body’s foundation, and the necessity of keeping our feet as healthy as possible, chiropodists are needed to help with prevention, assessment, and treatment of issues that may arise with feet. When the feet are properly supported, the whole body works better. Chiropodists must have seven to eight years of post-secondary school before beginning to practice. They must obtain a bachelor’s degree in science and take a three to four year chiropody program. Chiropodists work independently or as part of a team. Chiropodists treat a variety of foot problems including bony foot deformities, corns, calluses, warts, fungal infections, nail conditions, and biomechanical dysfunctions. These healthcare providers also recommend or provide orthotics and insoles. They might also provide physical therapy, surgical procedures, injection administration, prescriptions, and various other therapies. Normally one sees a chiropodist when they are experiencing pain. However, visiting one regularly, as one would a dentist, can help ensure the feet are in top form and will help prevent future problems. If you suffer from foot or ankle pain or have questions about your lower extremities, book an appointment with a chiropodist.

Sever's Disease

Sever’s disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is a foot condition that occurs in children. Sever’s disease is not truly a disease, but rather an overuse injury. It is common among active children between the ages of 8 and 14. Young, growing children have a growth plate in their heels, where new bone is forming. When too much stress is put on the heel, the growth plate can become inflamed, leading to heel pain. 

Children who participate in activities that put repetitive stress on the heel bone are most at risk of developing Sever’s disease. These activities include playing soccer or basketball, running track, or any other sport or activity that involves running, jogging, or jumping. Children who are obese, have tight Achilles tendons, biomechanical problems, flat feet, or fallen arches are also at risk. 

The symptoms of Sever’s disease include pain in the back or bottom of the heel, pain when the sides of the heel are squeezed, and fatigue. The pain may lead to difficulties walking or bearing weight on the affected foot, and you may notice your child limping or walking on their toes to avoid putting pressure on the heel. A chiropodist can diagnose Sever’s disease by taking a medical history and performing a physical examination. Imaging studies such as X-rays may also be ordered. 

Sever’s disease is generally treated by resting the affected foot, wearing shoes or orthotics that support the heel, and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and inflammation. In severe cases of heel pain, the affected foot may need to be immobilized with a cast while it heals. If your child is complaining of heel pain, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are small, fine cracks that can happen in the bones of the feet. Stress fractures occur when the affected bones are not able to bear the weight placed on them. They are often the result of repetitive overuse and injury from activities such as running, jumping, or dancing and are therefore common in athletes. Stress fractures are also more likely to occur in people who have other health conditions, such as osteoporosis, bunions, tendinitis, or abnormal foot biomechanics. 

While stress fractures can occur in any bone in the foot, they are most common in the metatarsal bones, the calcaneus bone, and navicular bone. The metatarsal bones are in the center of the foot and connect the toes to the rest of the midfoot region. The second and third metatarsal bones, which connect the second and third toes to the midfoot, are the most likely bones to incur a stress fracture. The calcaneus, or heel bone, is located at the back of the foot and is the second most common site of stress fractures in the feet. The navicular bone is located near the top of the foot. 

The symptoms of a stress fracture include pain, tenderness, weakness, bruising, and swelling. This can lead to difficulty putting weight on the affected foot, which may change your gait or manner of walking. Symptoms usually have a gradual onset and become progressively worse over time. Without treatment, a stress fracture may progress to a full fracture, in which the bone breaks completely. The affected bone can also move out of proper alignment, causing more pain. 

Stress fractures are diagnosed through a physical examination. Imaging studies, such as X-rays, bone scans, ultrasounds, or MRIs may be needed to confirm the diagnosis or to rule out other causes for your symptoms. Treatment for a stress fracture depends on the severity of the injury. You may be asked to cease certain weight-bearing activities and to rest, ice, compress, and elevate the affected foot to help it heal. Protective footwear, a cast, or crutches may be provided to protect and stabilize your foot while it heals. Surgery may be necessary if the stress fracture has occurred in an area that does not typically heal well through non-surgical means, such as the sesamoid bones. 

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a stress fracture in your foot, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Ankle Sprains

A sprained ankle is a common injury that can happen to anyone. Whether you incur it while playing a high-impact sport or from simply stepping off of a curb and twisting your ankle, it’s important to know and recognize the symptoms of a sprain and get the appropriate treatment. 

Ankle sprains occur when a sudden injury causes one or more of the ligaments that support the ankle to overstretch or tear. The symptoms that you may face depend on the severity of the injury. A mild, grade 1 sprain usually involves minimal pain, swelling, tenderness, and bruising, with no difficulty walking. A moderate, grade 2 sprain may be significantly more painful, with visible swelling and bruising, ankle instability, and a limited range of motion in the ankle. Walking or bearing weight on the affected ankle can be difficult. A severe, grade 3 sprain is characterized by intense pain, swelling, bruising, ankle instability, and a severely limited range of motion. Walking with a grade 3 sprain is often impossible. 

A chiropodist can diagnose an ankle sprain by asking for your medical history and carefully examining the affected ankle. They may order an X-ray to rule out a fracture. Treatment for the sprain depends on its severity. Milder ankle sprains can often be treated with conservative methods such as resting, icing, elevating, and compressing the ankle. More severe sprains may require wearing a brace or other orthotic device to take pressure off of the injured ankle. Over-the-counter medications are typically sufficient for managing pain. In very rare cases, surgery may be needed to repair a ligament that is not healing properly. 

A sprained ankle needs to heal fully and properly in order to avoid reinjury and other complications. If you have sprained your ankle, please seek the care of a chiropodist. 

Foot Pain

If you’re suffering from foot pain, it’s important to note the locations and quality of your foot pain. Pain can affect any part of the foot, including the top, bottom, side, heel, or toes. The pain may be sharp, stabbing, dull, achy, burning, or stinging, and can come on suddenly or develop gradually over time. 

Pain in the top, bottom, or side of the foot can have many causes. In addition to the type of pain and its location, it’s also important to note when the pain started, what you were doing at the time, and what aggravates the pain. For example, pain in the top of the foot that worsens with physical activity or weight-bearing, that has gradually gotten worse over time, and is accompanied by swelling and tenderness could be indicative of a stress fracture. 

Pain in the heel is a frequent concern, especially among patients who participate in sports, run, or wear high heels. Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heels to the toes, can cause stabbing heel pain. The pain is usually at its worst upon taking your first few steps in the morning or after a long rest and can radiate to the arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is also often associated with heel spurs, bony outgrowths on the heel bones that can be painful if they poke into the surrounding tissues. 

Foot pain can be caused by not only injuries but also problems with the biomechanics of the feet and underlying health problems, like diabetes or peripheral neuropathy. If you’re experiencing foot pain, please seek the care of a chiropodist near you. 


A bunion is a bony bump that develops on the outside of the big toe, at the base of the big toe joint. Over time, a bunion can cause the big toe to move out of its proper alignment and lean towards the second toe. The bunion may become painful, stiff, red, and swollen. Calluses sometimes form on top of the bunion as the bunion rubs against the inside of your shoe as you walk. Calluses can also form on the area where your big toe rubs against your second toe, or on the ball of the foot.

Bunions are extremely common, especially in older adults and women, although children can develop bunions or, in very rare cases, be born with them. What exactly causes bunions is unclear. They may occur as a result of a genetic predisposition due to the shape and structure of the foot or because of one’s gait. Wearing shoes that are too tight, have excessively high heels, or narrow, pointed toes may contribute to the development of bunions. Certain medical conditions, such as arthritis and flat feet, may make bunions more likely as well. 

Bunions can be treated through conservative methods such as switching the shoes that you wear for shoes that are wider and more comfortable, wearing custom orthotics, wearing pads placed over the bunion to reduce pain, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and icing the foot. When conservative treatments are not effective, invasive procedures may be recommended. For more information about bunions, please consult with a chiropodist. 


A chiropodist is a highly trained healthcare professional that provides the assessment, treatment, and management of chronic or acute foot and ankle problems. They aid in the prevention of injuries and disabilities and promote proper foot health for overall well-being. With foot problems being as prevalent as they are, the fact that the feet are the body’s foundation, and the necessity of keeping our feet as healthy as possible, chiropodists are needed to help with prevention, assessment, and treatment of issues that may arise with feet. When the feet are properly supported, the whole body works better. Chiropodists must have seven to eight years of post-secondary school before beginning to practice. They must obtain a bachelor’s degree in science and take a three to four year chiropody program. Chiropodists work independently or as part of a team. Chiropodists treat a variety of foot problems including bony foot deformities, corns, calluses, warts, fungal infections, nail conditions, and biomechanical dysfunctions. These healthcare providers also recommend or provide orthotics and insoles. They might also provide physical therapy, surgical procedures, injection administration, prescriptions, and various other therapies. Normally one sees a chiropodist when they are experiencing pain. However, visiting one regularly, as one would a dentist, can help ensure the feet are in top form and will help prevent future problems. If you suffer from foot or ankle pain or have questions about your lower extremities, book an appointment with a chiropodist.

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