
Everyday Foot Care

Good foot care is proactive, rather than reactive. While a chiropodist can diagnose, treat, and help you manage a variety of foot and ankle conditions, preventing foot problems and keeping the feet healthy is something that you can do at home as well. Having and following an established daily foot care routine can be very beneficial. 

Maintaining good foot hygiene helps prevent a variety of foot problems, including infections like athlete’s foot and fungal toenails. It is important to wash your feet every day using lukewarm water and mild soap. Wash the entire foot, from heel to toe. Then dry the foot thoroughly, taking extra care to dry in between the toes. Moisturizing the heels and soles of the feet after washing them can help keep the skin soft, hydrated, and free of cracks. 

Stretching and strengthening the feet can maintain or improve their mobility. There are many easy foot exercises that you can do to keep your feet strong and flexible, such as toe scrunches and heel raises. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help keep your weight under control, relieving excess pressure and strain on the feet. 

Finally, wearing the right shoes is one of the easiest ways to care for the feet. Many people wear shoes that are too tight or narrow, shoes that don’t support the feet adequately, and shoes that are made of materials that trap moisture on the foot. Opt for comfortable, properly-fitted shoes that support and protect your feet. 

For more information about daily foot care practices for good foot health, please consult with a chiropodist.

Achilles Tendon Injuries

The Achilles tendon, located at the back of the lower leg, is a strong band of fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. There are several different types of Achilles tendon injuries. The two most common injuries are Achilles tendonitis and Achilles tendon ruptures. 

When the tendon is injured due to repetitive strain and overuse, it can result in a condition called Achilles tendonitis. This injury is characterized by inflammation of the Achilles tendon, heel and calf pain, thickening of the tendon, ankle and calf stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. In the initial stages of Achilles tendonitis, pain primarily occurs following physical activity, but it can become constant and chronic if the injury is left untreated. 

When the Achilles tendon fully tears, it is known as an Achilles tendon rupture. This usually occurs following a sudden, high-impact injury. Symptoms include a sudden, stabbing pain in the back of the affected leg, a popping or snapping sensation, swelling, and difficulty walking and raising the foot. This condition requires prompt treatment to prevent further damage to the tendon. 

There are a variety of treatments available for Achilles tendon injuries. Achilles tendonitis can often be treated through conservative methods, such as resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the affected foot, wearing orthotics, taking over-the-counter pain medications, and doing gentle stretches. Achilles tendon ruptures may require surgical treatment to avoid reinjury. For more information about Achilles tendon injuries, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Ankle Pain

The ankle is the region that joins the foot and leg. It consists of three joints that allow the foot to move. Pain in the ankle is typically the result of injury or inflammation from a wide variety of conditions, such as strains, sprains, fractures, or arthritis. Symptoms that often co-occur with ankle pain include swelling, bruising, numbness, tingling, stiffness, joint instability, and difficulty walking. 

The underlying cause of your ankle pain can be diagnosed by a chiropodist. A diagnostic visit to this specialist typically involves providing a medical history, describing your ankle pain, and undergoing a physical examination. In some cases, the chiropodist may order imaging studies, such as an X-ray or ultrasound, to rule out or confirm a diagnosis. 

The right treatment for your ankle pain will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. In many cases, your chiropodist may recommend that you follow the R.I.C.E. acronym: resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the affected ankle. Taking these actions generally decreases swelling and inflammation, reduces pain, and promotes healing. Taking over-the-counter, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also help with pain management. The chiropodist may also prescribe custom orthotics, immobilize the affected ankle, or recommend activity and footwear modifications. In cases of more severe injuries, surgical treatment may be necessary. 

If you are experiencing ankle pain, it is recommended that you seek the care of a chiropodist. 

Heel Pain

Heel pain can range in severity from mild and annoying to severe and debilitating. Usually caused by an injury, heel pain can become chronic if it's left untreated. There are many different types of injuries that can bring about heel pain. When describing your pain, it is important to note the location and type of pain, as well as when the pain started and what activities make it better or worse. 

Perhaps the most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, a condition in which the plantar fascia, a ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot, becomes inflamed due to repetitive overuse or trauma. This condition causes stabbing pain in the bottom of the heel. The pain is usually at its worst when you take your first few steps after a period of rest, like when you first get up in the morning. Plantar fasciitis is also sometimes accompanied by bone spurs, calcium deposits on the heel bone that can cause sharp pain that gradually evolves into a dull ache. Other possible causes of heel pain include Achilles tendonitis, heel fractures, bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and Sever’s disease. 

Although treatment for heel pain depends on the underlying cause, most treatments involve resting, icing, and elevating the affected foot. Your chiropodist will also typically suggest that you wear more comfortable, supportive shoes or orthotics to help your heel heal. Over-the-counter pain medications are usually sufficient to manage heel pain. For more information about heel pain, please consult with a chiropodist.

Falls Prevention

Many older adults think that falls are rare and won’t happen to them, so they don’t need to take steps to reduce the risk of falling. This isn’t true, as falls are very common. Falls are one of the leading causes of serious injuries and disabilities among older adults. Not only does falling affect one’s physical health, but it can also cause psychological harm. An older adult who has fallen may lose confidence in their abilities to get around and live independently. They may feel that the only ways to prevent falling are to avoid physical activities and stay in the house when this can in fact be counterproductive. 

Though staying in the house can be tempting for an adult that is afraid of falling, it’s worthwhile to note that over 50% of all falls occur in the home. A better way to prevent falls is to take steps to make your home safer. Remove tripping hazards, like loose cables, slippery rugs, and low furniture from the home. Install good quality lighting that will allow you to see where you are walking. In the bathrooms, use a non-slip bath mat and install grab bars in the shower to avoid slipping. When you do leave the house, don’t be ashamed to use a mobility aid, such as a cane, if necessary. 

Reducing the risk of falling continues with taking care of one’s physical health. Exercising regularly and incorporating exercises that stretch and strengthen the lower limbs is important for maintaining mobility. Vision care is another key element of falls prevention, as people with vision impairment are more than twice as likely to fall than those who don’t have vision problems. Being able to clearly see where you are going and if there are any tripping hazards in your way will help prevent falls. Managing your medications can help prevent falls. Certain medications cause side effects that impair balance, leading to falls. You should talk to your doctors about the medications that you are currently taking, their side effects, and any ways that they may interact with one another. Finally, regularly seeing a chiropodist can help maintain your foot health and mobility. A chiropodist can not only treat any existing foot problems, which can contribute to falling, but also help you prevent future issues. 

Poor Circulation

Poor circulation refers to inadequate blood flow to an area of the body. Poor circulation to the lower limbs can be a particularly dangerous condition that can cause complications such as blood clots, chronic pain, swelling, mobility difficulties, infections, and amputations. 

The symptoms of poor circulation in your lower legs and feet include coldness, tingling, numbness, or a “pins and needles” sensation. Your legs and feet may also feel painful, achy, or heavy. The skin may turn blue or purple, stop growing hair, and become easily damaged. Cuts, scrapes, and sores on the feet can develop into poorly healing wounds, which are at risk of infection. 

Poor circulation can be more likely depending on various genetic, lifestyle, and medical factors. People who are older, live a sedentary lifestyle, or are obese are at an increased risk of poor circulation. Diseases such as diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease, and venous insufficiency can also make poor circulation more likely to occur.

If you are experiencing symptoms of poor circulation in your lower legs and feet, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist for treatment. 

Sports Related Foot and Ankle Injuries

Participating in sports is great for maintaining your health and fitness, but can sometimes result in injuries to your feet or ankles. Common sports-related foot and ankle injuries include Achilles tendonitis, ankle sprains, stress fractures, turf toe, and plantar fasciitis. 

Achilles tendonitis is a common injury in which the Achilles tendon located at the back of your ankle becomes inflamed due to overuse or biomechanical issues with the feet. Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis include pain in the lower calf, swelling, stiffness, redness, warmth, and reduced strength and range of motion. 

Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments in the ankle are overstretched or torn. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may experience symptoms such as localized pain, swelling, and bruising at the site of the sprain, a limited ability to move the affected ankle, and difficulty walking. 

Stress fractures are fine cracks that occur in the bones when they can’t bear the load placed on them. These fractures often occur in the foot bones and get worse over time if they are not promptly diagnosed and treated. Symptoms of stress fractures in the feet include tenderness, deep and dull or sharp and localized pain, weakness, swelling, and bruising. 

Turf toe is a sprain of the largest joint in the big toe. It can cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, or tenderness that vary in intensity depending on the severity of the injury. 

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot. This condition usually causes stabbing heel pains, arch pain, and pain when taking your first steps after a long period of rest.

If you have injured your feet or ankles while playing sports, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist who can diagnose and treat your condition and get you back on your feet. 

Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a thick ligament that runs along the bottom of your foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. When the plantar fascia becomes inflamed, typically due to overuse, it can cause a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by a sharp, stabbing heel pain, arch pain, and pain that is at its worst when taking your first steps after a long resting period, such as when you first wake up in the morning. You may also notice swelling on the bottom of the heel. 

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot ailments, and one of the most common causes of heel pain. Besides overuse from activities such as running or jumping, wearing shoes that do not have adequate cushioning and support, standing for prolonged periods of time, being obese, or having flat feet can all increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. 

Fortunately, there are many treatments for this condition. Your chiropodist may recommend stretching exercises, activity and footwear changes, and icing the affected foot to help relieve pain. If pain persists after several weeks, your chiropodist may prescribe custom orthotics, pad, tape, strap, or immobilize the affected foot, or inject a corticosteroid into the area to reduce pain. 

For more information about plantar fasciitis, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Broken Foot

If you’re an athlete, you may be familiar with stress fractures. These are tiny cracks in one or more bones of the feet that are caused by repetitive overloading of the foot. This is common in athletes, as frequent training, running, and jumping activities can put a strain on the foot bones. When a stress fracture occurs, symptoms may at first be mild. The affected bone might ache, but only during physical activity. It may disappear with rest. However, if a fracture goes untreated, the pain may increase gradually over time until it hurts constantly and interferes with all weight-bearing activities, like standing or walking. Swelling and tenderness of the areas surrounding the broken bone are also common. 

Full fractures occur when one or more bones in the feet crack completely. This is often due to a high-impact injury to the area. Symptoms of a full fracture may include pain, bruising, tenderness, swelling, difficulty walking, and deformity. In some cases, pieces of a broken bone can poke through the skin in an open fracture. This type of fracture requires immediate medical attention due to the high risk of infection. 

A chiropodist can diagnose a fracture through an X-ray or bone scan. Treatments may be conservative and include resting, icing, and elevating the foot for a period of time to allow it to heal. Over-the-counter medications may be suggested for pain management. Sometimes you may also be prescribed a brace or other orthotic device to take pressure off the fractured bone while it heals. More severe fractures may require surgery and a lengthy recovery period.  

If you’re suffering from a broken foot bone, it’s suggested that you seek the care of a chiropodist.

Children’s Foot Health

Much like adults, children can also experience foot problems. Certain conditions are common in children but can be promptly treated to help your child stay healthy and active. 

Young children are often afflicted with ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows into the surrounding skin rather than over it. This can make the area where the nail has grown into the skin tender, red, warm, swollen, and painful. In some cases, an infection may develop. Ingrown toenails can typically be treated at home, but an infection may require medical treatment. Fortunately, ingrown toenails are easy to prevent. When trimming your child’s toenails, be sure to use toenail clippers to cut the nails straight across, avoiding curved edges. It is also important to not cut the nail too short. Wearing roomy, comfortable shoes can also help prevent ingrown toenails from developing. 

Plantar warts are warts that develop on the bottom of the foot due to a viral infection. Warts usually present as one or multiple circular areas of thickened skin with tiny black dots on them. Plantar warts may cause pain when pressure is applied to them while walking. Over-the-counter and prescription topical treatments can typically clear up plantar warts. 

Another common concern in children is heel pain. Sever’s disease, an overuse injury that causes inflammation in the growth plate of the heel, is especially common in children ages 8 to 14, especially if they frequently participate in running or jumping activities, like soccer or gymnastics. Sever’s disease is characterized by pain in the back or bottom of the heel, difficulty walking, and fatigue. 

If your child complains of foot pain or if you notice any abnormalities in your child’s feet, it is recommended that you take them to see a chiropodist for a diagnosis and treatment.

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