By Super User on Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Category: Blog

Preventing Falls in Senior Citizens

If you are a senior citizen, then you are at an increased risk of suffering a potentially dangerous fall. Falls can detrimentally affect the health of older individuals and lead to subsequent falls. However, there are a number of steps that seniors can take to prevent such dangerous episodes. Many of these steps involve the feet. For example, to prevent yourself from falling, you might be cognizant of the kinds of footwear that you are wearing. Generally speaking, high heels can make falling more likely. Instead, seniors might opt for footwear that has lower heels. You could even try shoes with non-slip soles. Shoes that have wider heels are also another good option for increasing stability and balance in the feet. Besides being intentional about the kinds of shoes that you wear, seniors can also prevent falls by engaging in regular exercise. This should be done to keep the feet strong and agile, so that they do not grow weak or unhealthy. For more tips on preventing falls in senior citizens, visit a chiropodist who can help.

Falls are a common but preventable problem for older adults. If you would like to learn more about preventing falls, please consult with one of the chiropodists from The Footcare Centre. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Did you know that most falls occur in the home? Fortunately, there are many simple changes that you can make to the living environment to reduce the risk of falling. 

In the Bathroom:

In the Bedroom:

In the Kitchen:

In the Hallways:

In Other Living Areas: 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Falls Prevention
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